York Painting – What Lies Beneath

Probably about seventeen layers of paint.

Might not look massively different so here are the bits that are now potentially finished: the pork pie, the wall above it, the Snickleway Inn sign, both stone staircases inside the wall, the signs for the Guy Fawkes Inn and the Kings Arms, the ice cream, the rose, the York emblem and the Viking horn.


I’m still working on the Minster and currently focussing on the view from City Screen (bottom left).  I’ve also been working on other painting projects including trying to recreate this year’s Big Painting Challenge at home.  Admittedly it’s not been quite the same, but I’ve given myself a challenging time-limit for each painting and my aim is to learn something from each task as well as force myself outside my comfort zone.

It’s been surprisingly hard and reasonably unsuccessful.  I’ve encountered many of the same issues as the contestants on the show, ie not using my time effectively, not looking at the subject enough, having dubious portrait painting skills and so on.  I didn’t travel to Westonbirt like they did, but I have been there so used a randomly-selected photo from that day to paint.

The following week they had to paint a water scene in horrendous weather conditions (oh, the irony) and it was incredibly frustrating for them.  Considering the gale-force winds and slashing rain, they all did a fine job.  In an effort to recreate this challenge, I shall be standing in my back garden painting the small water fountain while members of my family occasionally push my easel over and throw buckets of water at me.

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