York Painting – There and Back Again

I think this might be finished…! I could go on prodding it with bits of paint forever, but sometimes you just need to step away and call it done. Some of these places and features have changed over the years since I took the photos which I used as reference for this painting, but this is York how it was, and still is in most cases. I have been there and back again many times and will never tire of the city.

Acrylic on A1 canvas board. To be framed and hung in the lounge where I will spend the next three years scowling at it whilst fixating on all the areas that need prodding with bits of paint.

One thought on “York Painting – There and Back Again

  1. Lovely composition, Mel. Perhaps you should have glass in front of this one to prevent you from getting anywhere near with a paint brush 🙂

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