York Painting

Had to re-think a couple of things this week.  It made sense to give the main space at the bottom to The Shambles and besides, I wanted to give this iconic area a prime spot.  I also think the view from City Screen fits better bottom left.  I’m changing my view of Lower Petergate (blank space on the right-hand side) because, although that street has a lot to offer, I mainly go there for the Fudge Kitchen and most of my photos are of, well… fudge.  I don’t want a busy street scene there in case that area of the painting looks too cluttered, as there are a lot of stuffed animal heads to go in below that (The House of the Trembling Madness; the only place you can find a mole, a tarantula and a lion in one room, but thankfully not on the Countryside Platter.)

    I’m also changing the orientation of the Minster so that it will be viewed face on to the South Transept with the West Towers to the left.  Luckily I have not started painting this yet as I am too terrified!  How can I possibly do it justice?!

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