York Painting

Looking messy, but that’s how I work!  It’ll look fine once the detail goes on…  Eventually, the picture borders will look like wall but for now I’m just getting everything marked out.

So what are we looking at?

Two views of the city walls flanking the top pictures, which are the Betty’s Tea Rooms sign, Bootham Bar, a white rose (of course), a space for York Minster, and one of the stone staircases inside the walls with what will be a small pork pie.  Below these, a fabulous cocktail I had in the Evil Eye, the street sign for Ye Olde Starre Inn across Stonegate, two lampshades from the Evil Eye, Clifford’s Tower, a space for Sir Thomas Herbert’s house and Lower Petergate featuring the Fudge Kitchen.

Below these is Micklegate Bar, a space for the Hospitium, an ice cream I had from Licc, another wall staircase, a Viking helmet, a snicket to Stonegate and a pint under the Lendal Cellar sign.  Along the bottom will be The Shambles, the Devil from Stonegate, York Museum gardens, the Guy Fawkes Inn sign, a ‘Bohemian’ cocktail I had in the Evil Eye the first time we went to York and a space for a Viking horn from the Jorvik Centre.

The two spaces below Clifford’s Tower and the two scenes either side will be views of the River Ouse including Lendal Bridge and City Screen, where you can get the best chips in the world!

Nothing on here is finished yet.  Keep an eye out for the next update…

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