I lined up lots of new projects for this year and am amazed to report that not only am I sticking to the plan, but they’re all going fairly well. In addition to the theme I started towards the end of last year of painting song lyrics (see previous post), I wanted to try out new things and started experimenting with acrylic flow – see my Instagram posts for pictures.
I’ve done a couple more since these and am still altering my method each time as it’s really fun to try different ways of getting the effects and I will be using one of the recent ones in March – more on that in a sec.
New Venture – I have just started painting a mural on the wall of a friend’s house and it’s great to be doing a large-scale piece again. I’m using emulsion because it’s clean and easy, and putting the colours down together straight onto the wall is exciting because you can build up textures and layers without having to worry about rules too much.

New Songs – Two down so far and another two to go for now. Check out the Acrylics section but here’s a little picture of ‘Repeat After Me’… I am currently working on a picture for Iron Maiden’s ‘Stranger In A Strange Land’ and when that’s finished, I can get started on ‘Escape’ by Kongos.
New Challenges – The art group to which I belong do a monthly challenge which is optional and open to interpret the chosen subject in any way. It’s interesting to see the different interpretations, styles and media from people and I am ridiculously excited by this year’s subjects! This month (February), it’s ‘Winter Landscape’ – check out the Watercolour section to see the finished piece for this. Next month is ‘Fish’ and I am doing a mixed media piece for this which is basically an excuse to get out my huge collection of glitter, but I will also be using one of my acrylic flow experiments for the background. It will look really cute. I’ve also sketched out April’s challenge picture which I am looking forward to the most as it’s Fairy-tale Creatures. How jolly! I’ll post these up as I complete them so watch this space and feel free to comment or even buy some paintings! Please use the contact form if you’re interested or would like more information.